The role of disinfectants in aquaculture and ornamental fish

Document Type : scientific-promotional



Generally speaking, dissinfecting includes a set of operations aimed at killing environmental microorrganisms and all pathogenic factors. Disinfecting shoud reduce the bacteria, virus, fungi and environmental parasites to the extend that their unpleasent effect on the fish health with be minimaized.Disinftants generally take effect in a short time (within some minutes) and kill bacteria and even, in some cases, virus, fungi and parasites too. some Disinftants are malachite green , phenolphthalein, potassium permanganat, crosol, salt, sulphur dioxide, surfactants, calsinm oxide, uv, ozone, nanocide, nanosilver, electrolysis of water, peracetic acide, alcohol, heavy metals, aldehyde, hydrogen proxide, alkalines, halogens and etc. the special Disinftantsapplied to animal and human body surfaces are known as antiseptics. Disinftants usually take effect in one of the following forms: dehydration and drying of microorganisms such az heat, creation of a thin, killing layer on the surface of microorganisms, influence over penetrability of the cel membrane whit surfactant property, effect of destruction on internal protein, particularly enzymes and changed physical conditions on microorganisms. Nowadays, in addition to the infectious diseases, remainders of agriculturl toxics, veterinary medications, heavy metals, organic and inorganic substances in aquatics are also among the challenges discussed and it is essential that fisheries products should be examined both economically and hygienically. disinfecting of fish breeding ponds in necessary not only from the viewpoint of hygienic problem prevention but also raises the level of productivity and product quality.
