Neutral Deinking Proper Replacement and Economic for Conventional Alkaline Deinking

Document Type : scientific-promotional



Today, reuse recycled paper as one of the ways to supplying cellulosic raw materials for pulp and paper industry has been seriously considered. due to presence of contaminant such as adhesives and printing ink, optical and mechanical properties of recycled paper considerably reduced. However, using the method of deinking the properties of a drop can be prevented. On the other hand, because of the problems in this method, such as darkening of the pulp in an alkaline environment and increased effluent load to Cause limitations in using this method. Now, neutral deinking is as an alternative to alkaline deinking is introduced in the world. This paper will examine the advantages and limitations of this method. Overall, neutral deinking because of the reduced use of chemicals, resulting in significant savings in production costs and and the environment due to the elimination of sodium hydroxide, reduce COD and BOD values effluent mills. In addition, Reducing substances soluble dissolve in the paper in water process, resulting in increased yield and reduced yellowing of mechanical fibers pulp.
