Ethnobotany and Determination of Plant Attractiveness for Bees in the Rangeland and Forest Areas of Touskestan-Golestan Province

Document Type : scientific-promotional


Use of indigenous knowledge and experimental of beekeepers about plants and surroundings has an important role. Because beekeeping is one of the strategies to secure livelihoods in rural areas. So that by dead of these people, indigenous knowledge will destroyed quickly. Research between plants and ethnobotany is one of exciting and most important items to searching. This study is aimed to identification of plants by used bees and determination of plant attractiveness usable for bees at Rangeland and forest areas of Toskestan (Golestan Province). For this reason, collected information of plant attractiveness by questionary. Select 10 beekeepers randomly. By preparing documentation analysis was started. 45 families of plants from 22 order was identified. The results were showed that Labiatae and Compositae are one of most important plants which are used by bees. Also, the most life form of plants for bees (51.11%) was forbs. The results were indicated that bees were using both of plants that produce pollen and nectar (46.67%). In the same way, number of plants that generator of both, more than number of plants which generator only pollen or nectar. Classification of plants in the view of beekeepers, were confirmed that the most plants were at good class with 31.11 percent. Therefore, identification of plants and determination of attractiveness for bees can be play important role in management of bees' yard and kind of production of honey.


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