Energy Importance and Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency in the Pulp and Paper Industry

Document Type : scientific-promotional



Today, energy is known as one of the main factors for the formation and development of industrial societies. Given the significant contribution of the industrial sector in energy consumption, energy management is very important in this part of the pulp and paper industry as well as one of the industry collection subdivision which is not exempted from this provision. Paper industry, currently with more than 12 active factories in the country, consume 517 million kWh of electrical energy equivalent to 912,000 barrels of crude oil and 800 million MJ of fossil energy equivalent to 1.3 million barrels of crude oil that allocate about 1/6 percent of power consumption and 1/7 percent of fuel consumption in the industrial sector of the country. To optimize the energy consumption a series of standards in different parts according to the latest level of technology and other factors affecting the energy consumption should be measured and then present them in ways that can be done for producers and consumers of different sectors. This way, we can somewhat get closer the energy consumption pattern to the determined standards level. As yet, useful proceedings in optimizing power consumption have been done in the country, which include new energy organization activities of Iran and industrial extension and reconstruction organization.


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