Determining Preservation Value of Caspian Beaches With Using Willingness to Pay Method Heckman Two-stage Methods (Case study: Babolsar beaches)

Document Type : scientific-promotional


This research investigates and determines the preservation values of Babolsar beaches and measures the individual's willingness to pay (WTP) for preservation it and also measures the effective variables on it based on contingent valuation (CV), dichotomous choice (DC) and Heckman two-stage method. The needed data were obtained by personal interview through filling up questionnaires of 800 people who visited the beach in 2010. 74.6 percent of visitors were ready to pay for preservation of these beaches. Mean willingness to pay for each visitor per year for preservation was 4387 rials in Babolsar beaches. Results showed that total preservation value of these beaches was more than 5418 million Rials and welfare situation of the studied beach and family size variables have the most effect on willingness to pay for preservation of the beach.
