Zonation of water and wind erosion sedimentation Potential by MPSIAC and IRIFR.E.A Models (Case study: Bordekhun watershed in Bousheher)

Document Type : scientific-promotional


Erosion and sediment production in its natural state is a complex and multifaceted of the various causes interact with each other to create, and reduce the aggravation involved. The study area is located in Daiyer city of Boushehr province. In this research, with quantifying the factors affecting in the erosion based on MPSIAC and IRIFR.E.A models the current status of erosion area separately assesses and maps related to each of these two methods are also provided. First, work unit map of this region as the base map for evaluating factors were provide. Then according to the MPSIAC and IRIFER empirical methods¸ water and wind erosion rate is determined at each working unit separately. Further¸ maps of land erodibility for water and wind erosion are prepared using MPSIAC and IRIFER models. Sedimentation potential was measured using the relation between sediment delivery degree and the sediment production. According to the results obtained from this research and comparison obtained results of used methods with area under research of two methods showing good estimates of water and wind erosion. Finally, results shown that quantitatively, wind and water erosion contribute to soil erosion and sediment production and soil fertility reduction by 80% and about 20%, respectively.
