Investigation of the coordination of bucked timber dimensions in forest according to factories requirement

Document Type : scientific-promotional


The objective of this study was to recognize the machines in wood industries and their limitations for wood dimensions. Another aim was to suggest the appropriate dimensions for timber bucking in Nekachoob Company as well as Mazandaran Wood and Paper Industries forests and Behshahr 22 Bahman Neopan factory. Results of initial investigations indicated that there was no improvement in production process of Neopan, Paper, Slicer, horizontal strip saw and Ram saw machines with changes in timber bucking dimensions, therefore this study focused on peeler performance which is used in Nekachoob Company. Thus, the timber bucking data were extracted from harvesting and transportation documents. According to requirements of the peeler machine, the loss volume of log in different diameter classes was calculated and then multiplied by Rial value of the each cubic meter of logs with degree 1 and 2. The difference between this value and the price of out of degree wood, which is used for Neopan and paper, is the avoidable damage. The loss volume of a log with a length of 2.6 meter in Peeler machine was about 7.7 percent. In Peeler machine, the maximum financial damage was 237384 Rials which was for beech log with degree 1. Regarding the dimension of required wood for Peeler machine it is suggested that timber bucking should be as coefficients of 2.4 m.
